Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

Power of Spirit Table of Contents

Table of contents


Everyone has a lot of potential…………………………………………3

Martial Arts philosophy and mind skill saved me many times from hardships in my life……4

About Toshiyuki Ito………………………..15

Prologue, “ Mind is everything”.………………………………16

Keep a good mind state……………………………………..16

“ The mind is everything. What you think you become. “ Buddha……………………………………17

Mind and body…………………………………………..18

SAMURAI’s mind skills……………………………………………19

The first skill I want you to practice daily……………………………….20

Assignments for this chapter……………………………………23

Chapter 1,

Have a mindset with unlimited growth……………………………..24

There are two types of people……………………………..24

Use negative experiences for positive outcomes………………………………25

Use this theory for our everyday lives………………………………..27

No limitations for our improvement……………………………………30

A strong desire to improve will help our stress levels……………………………30

SAMURAI had a strong will, to improve consistently……………………………31

Assignments for “Chapter 1”……………………………………32

Chapter 2,

MUSASHI MIYAMOTO The strongest SAMURAI………………………..33

Try to improve yourself day by day………………………………33

How did MUSASHI win and survive more than sixty fights………………………….34

How to attain this kind of mind……………………………………..35

Assignments for “Chapter 2”………………………………………..37

Chapter 3,

Achieve the mind which is unwavering
and not being confined by anything…………………………………….38

One of the ultimate goals for Martial Arts training…………………………………38




Focus on only what you can control………………………………41


Assignments for “Chapter 3”………………………………………..43

Chapter 4,

To know wether its within your control or not…………………….44

What we can control 100%…………………………………44

There are a lot of things which we can’t control directly………………………..44

Don’t sweat with worrying about things you can’t control …………………………47

Assignments for “Chapter 4”………………………………48

Chapter 5,

Achieve your confidence to control your mind and emotions………………49

One must have difficult experiences, even at a cost………………………….49

Your body movement and language are important ……………………………51

Assignments for “Chapter 5”……………………………………..53

Chapter 6,

Stress and Pressure…………………………..54

Strengthen your mind against stress and pressure………………………………..54

Change your mindset towards stress……………………………………..55

About releasing your stress………………………………………..57

Assignments for “Chapter 6”……………………………………….58

Chapter 7,

Positive Mindset of Martial Arts…………………………59

People often fall into these pitfalls when they try to be positive……………………………59

Be prepared…………………………………..61

It came from actual fighting situations…………………………….62

That will make you even more positive……………………………..63

Assignments for “Chapter 7”……………………………..64

Chapter 8,

Understand and control your emotions…………………………65

How we interpret the incidents that happen to us………………………………65

Mind and body are directly connected………………………………66

The power of language…………………………………..67

Assignments for “Chapter 8”……………………………………….69

Chapter 9,

” KOTODAMA 言霊 “ the miraculous power of language……………………..70

Our words have special power………………………………..70

Be responsible for what you say……………………………….70

Control your mind using self talk……………………………….72

Assignments for “Chapter 9”………………………………74

Chapter 10,

Use negative emotions in positive ways………………………..75

Negative emotions can be useful emotions if we can control them………………………..75

Take advantage of negative emotions…………………………….76

Redirect the energy and power to productive ideas……………………………………78

Assignments for “Chapter 10”……………………………….79

Chapter 11,

Anger and Fighting……………………………80

Understand about anger emotion………………………………..80

Never take thoughtless actions when you are angry………………………………….82

Take positive actions……………………………………83

People are all different…………………………………….84

If you use anger for fighting…………………………………..85

Musashi controlled his opponent’s emotion to win a fight…………………………86

Assignments for “Chapter 11”…………………………………..87

Chapter 12,

Fear, the biggest enemy……………………………88

It’s natural to feel fear……………………………………….88

Try not to over think the future in a negative way ………………………………………89

The important thing when you feel fear…………………………………….91

Assignments for “Chapter 12”……………………………………….92

Chapter 13,

How to face and overcome your fear……………………………..93

SAMURAI kept a grip on their emotions…………………………………..93

Overcome your fear…………………………….95

Assignments for “Chapter 13”………………………………………..96

Chapter 14,

The Focus……………………97

The ultimate concentration to overcome our negative emotions……………………………97

Practice and apply this mindset in your daily life…………………………..98

Assignments for “Chapter 14”………………………….100

Chapter 15,

SAMURAI warriors were always facing death………………………101

SAMURAI’s lives were preparation for death…………………………….101

Appreciation for still being alive………………………………..102

Live today’s life!!………………………………….103

Assignments for “Chapter 15”……………………………………105

Chapter 16,

Have big dreams and goals………………………..106

Immortalise your name………………………………………….106

Keep challenging, and no regret……………………………….107

Assignments for “Chapter 16”………………………………..110

Epilogue, To have a good quality of life…………………111

Special presents & Follow ups……………………. 113
