We have the SAW Online training course. ↓↓↓ You can learn the SAW learning system step by step through gradings, and can get the official SAW ranks by taking the online grading tests. You can continue to learn SAW and eventually earn an official black belt. It’s all online, so […]
Martial Arts Techniques
The SAW Founder Shihan Hidetaka Aso always says, “Don’t forget the importance of throws and takedowns”. Learning practical takedown techniques is essential if you think about street self-defence situations. SAW places a great emphasis on takedowns. The advantages of having strong throws and takedowns are: 1. You can damage your […]
1, Chain Submissions In sparring or in a fight, it’s important to keep applying techniques one after another every time you fail one, until you immobilise them and submit them, like drawing them into spider webs. When you make a mistake or fail one technique, you should think, “It’s a […]
One of the strengths of SAW is that it has a wide variety of leg locks in the system that you can learn in detail step by step.
After the SAW competition, we also held a SAW seminar. This time we covered the basic concepts of the heel hook and basic escape techniques. These are the most basic of the basics, so I hope that everyone was able to understand at least a little about the heel hook […]
More people participated in this year’s tournament compared to last year, and it’s gradually getting more exciting. As for the skills of the matches, everyone was able to take down their opponents properly, and many of the matches also featured solid submissions. I showed this video to Shihan Aso, the […]
The MMA ITO DOJO Unique Striking Techniques “The Budo Footwork” The “Budo” footwork is to not rely on physical strength, but rely on breathing techniques and connect with the “Centre of our body (Tanden)” more, so you can generate stronger power and speed with less effort and less impact to […]
This is a highlight’s video of the SAW Seminar at the Black Dragon Kai Dojo last Saturday. We did “Leg locks”, “Escaping”, “Leg locks from Cradle” etc.
This is a highlight’s video of the MMA ITO DOJO self-defence workshop 2023. We practiced attacking to the eyes, groin, the back of the head, and grabbing hair, etc for street survival.
“In street self defence situations, you can smash your opponent onto the concrete ground and finish a fight with one good takedown.” One of the strongest and important points of Submission Arts Wrestling is you can learn many different kinds of good takedowns and throws. Takedown techniques are as important […]