Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

How to improve our “SPIRIT” “SKILL” and “BODY” all through our lives in Martial Arts, Part 2


We go through a lot of different experiences in our lives. Everyone should keep improving our mind and spiritual quality as we get older.
We should be getting wiser and tougher, but if you don’t have a growth mindset, all those valuable experiences could be wasted.
We should always try to learn something from every experience, especially from mistakes, fails or even through overcoming hard times.
If you are always giving up or running away from things, whinging, making excuses, and blaming others for your faults, you are stopping by yourself from improving.
You have to keep trying, never give up, and believe in yourself to be a bigger person.

Every challenge and experience is an opportunity to grow and improve!!

It doesn’t matter how old we are, if we have a growth mindset, desire, ambition, and passion to keep improving, we will get better and better.

In Martial Arts training, we get that kind of mentality from the whole journey we go through.
The journey of Martial Arts training is always up and down. Injuries, not winning competitions, not doing well even in training, fighting with laziness, time matters, loss of confidence, and on and on. We can get the never give up and challenging spirit by overcoming these experiences.

Also learning the Martial Arts mindset and philosophies will help to get that kind of mentality, and improve our “SPIRIT”.

This is one of the most important parts to improve our mind and spirit in Martial Arts.
“How to control our own emotions”

How to improve our “SPIRIT” “SKILL” and “BODY” all through our lives in Martial Arts, Part 3 “SKILL”