Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

There is no shortcut in the journey of Martial Arts

“There are important stages of growth and development in all of our lives.”

We have to sacrifice a lot of sweat and tears, time and effort to progress step by step, slowly on our journey.

What happens when we try to take a shortcut, or rush to progress. 

People try to shortcut, in order to save time and effort to get stronger quickly, and some silly people use drugs like steroids. 

They end up learning only techniques which just rely on their strength. 

They might win some fights by cheating, but they were defeated by themselves, so they are really losers.

They will be suffering from side effects later on, such as health problems, etc.

If we don’t take time and effort to learn one technique, and try to learn too many techniques one after another, we will end up having techniques which are useless in real situations. 

Even if you know a lot of techniques, that doesn’t mean you can use them all. 

Just knowing doesn’t mean anything.

We have to sacrifice a lot of sweats and tears, time and effort to absorb just one technique into our body and mind to be able to use it in an actual fight. Otherwise our body won’t move naturally, and we will never know the meanings and keys of each technique.

What happens if people don’t take time and effort to improve their mentalities. 

Even if they get strong physically, they have no respect, no self discipline, no manners, no self control, no compassion, no honesty, and no sincerity, so they might use their strength for the wrong things.

It’s good while they are winning but when they start losing, people surrounding them will disappear, as they realise the bad character of the person. 

They have no mental strength, so they might have a hard time in their life later on.  

This concept leads to all phases of our lives.

Babies learn to turn over, to crawl, to stand up, and then to walk and run. 

Each step is important and each one takes time. 

This is a natural process in our growth and development. No step can be skipped.  

There are important stages of growth and development in all of our lives.
Business, relationships, sports, achieving healthy body, losing weight, everything.

If you keep looking for a shortcut, you will keep looking for it forever, then nothing can be achieved because you try to ignore those vital steps. 

For example.

Some people keep looking for a way to lose weight instantly to save time and effort, but when they feel its too hard one way, will try to look for another one, then that doesn’t work, and hear about the next trend, then do that for a while but give up quickly and on and on.

Some keep looking for shortcuts, others stick to one way and are following the natural process, and achieving their goals.

We can’t ignore or shortcut this development process. its against nature, and we can only take one step at a time.

Make sure not to anticipate too much, and make sure you focus on and try your best at the stage you are in, and try to step up each step!!