Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

Small Rain Drops

“There is only one way to achieve your goals or dreams. Step by step making small efforts everyday!!”

To improve ourselves continuously, we need to do something, continually, everyday.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be big things. You don’t have to try too hard straight away.
It might be a little difficult for you to do everyday if you try to do too much from the beginning.
No rush to get results, but try to be even a little bit better than yesterday.

All my students hear this word from me all the time, but if you want to improve something in yourself, please remember this concept.
We think like this in the Martial Arts world.

“Everyday training is like one small rain drop falling high on a mountain top. The drops become a creek, the creek then becomes a river, and finally the river becomes the ocean.”

Even a small rain drop will becomes the big ocean if it keeps going.

Most people want results right now, and they think once they get that result, they can stop making efforts.
When they can’t get that result straight away, they usually give up straight away too.
Even if they are lucky enough to get some results, they stop making efforts, so they go back to how they were.

If you want results, I want you to keep doing something everyday even if that is a very small thing.

Many people are using excuses like “No time for that everyday”.
If you are that busy everyday, do even 5 or 10 minutes to improve yourself.

There are surely no people who don’t even have 5 or 10 minutes each day.
You can do about 50 push ups if you have 5 minutes. Even start with only 10 push ups. Doing 10 push ups takes 30 seconds. Then, do Squats the next day.

You can read a couple of pages of a book and study something if you have 5 minutes.
If you keep doing that for one year, you will be very strong or learn something good just from investing 5 minutes each day.

“Step by step walk the thousand mile road.” Musashi Miyamoto

Don’t put the hurdle too high. Step by step make your challenge bigger.

Enjoy your improvements each day, and keep doing it.

Try to be better today than what you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than what you are today.

There is only one way to achieve your goals or dreams.

Step by step making small efforts everyday!!