Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

Inspire other people with your attitude and behaviour

“If we always try to do the right things and keep making an effort to improve ourselves, we can slowly start affecting people around us too.”

I think that everyone had some heroes and some idols who inspired you once in life. 

You got power and motivation by watching them.

Or you thought you wanted to be like them.

They could be close people or famous people, or even heroes in some movies.

Maybe some people got present jobs by getting inspired by them.

Speaking for myself, I started martial arts from watching some strong martial artists and fighters, and hearing about them when I was a kid.

Then, I got inspired by them and wanted to be like them.

Also, I got inspired by reading and hearing some stories about old martial artists who went  overseas and challenged themselves to introduce and teach their martial arts styles in different countries and spread their styles there. 

That’s why here I am today in Australia teaching my martial arts.

Now that I look back, I didn’t go the wrong way when I was young and silly in an unstable teenager stage, because of those inspirations.

And here I am who I wanted to be and doing a job that I wanted to do, and living a fulfilling life with healthy and full of energy everyday. 

Now, I thought it’s my turn to help as many people as I can for them to have meaningful and fulfilling life by trying to inspire them. 

To be able to do that, what I’m always trying to keep in my mind is watch my behaviour and always trying to be a good role model.

It’s easy to say things and tell people what to do, but we can’t control and change other people by just telling them.

Instead, we should try to show them from our attitude and behaviour.

We should try to do things which make our friends and families respect us and be proud of us, and be a person who other people say, 

“I want to be like you” or parents tell kids “I want you to be like him”.

Never be a person who other people think, 

“Never want to be like him”.

If we always try to do the right things and keep making an effort to improve ourselves, we can slowly start affecting people around us too.

They get inspired by watching our constant efforts.

If we keep making effort and change ourselves, we can change our surroundings too.

That attracts only good people, and bad people will naturally leave us.

So, our lives will be surrounded by nice and good people.

If people around us get better, we can improve ourselves more too. 

It makes a good circulation.

So, Inspire other people with your attitude and behaviour!!