Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

SUMO Squats (SHIKOFUMI 四股踏み)

I found this is one of the best exercises to develop and build the Martial Arts body.”

I think many people have seen big Japanese SUMO wrestlers do this special exercise movement when they are about to start a fight.

It’s a sort of ritual movements in proper SUMO matches.

SUMO squats have a spiritual meanings as well, and have a very long history.

There is something about this movement written in Japanese mythology books as well.

It is said there are a few meanings for this move such as for scaring their opponent, Keeping bad spirits underground by stomping the ground, and also big wrestlers stomp the ground it shakes, that makes all the crops grow well, since SUMO wrestling used to be one of the ceremonies to pray for a prosperous year.

This unique movement is also one of the most important training exercises for SUMO wrestlers.

They do this everyday all the time in their training.

I first learnt this exercise from a SUMO wrestler in Japan 30 years ago, and I found this is one of the best exercises to develop and build the Martial Arts body. ( Martial Arts body means healthy, and can move fast, agile, balanced, flexible, and also to be able to transmit the core power and energy into every move and technique. ) More details about Martial Arts body, checkout my other blog.



After I learnt, I adjusted the technique a little bit for my Martial Arts style, and understood and improved it with practice over time.


These are the benefits you can expect from doing this SUMO squats.

1, Leg strength.
It’s like doing one leg squats, plus lifting the other leg high, so it’s more intensity than normal squats.

2, Core strength.
All different core muscles will get stronger.

3, Balance.
You have to stand with one leg, and also lift other leg high with slow movement, so you will have to use your balance a lot.

4, Flexibility.
Stretch your legs every rep you do this exercise, so your legs flexibility will improve.

5, Concentration.
Actually, concentration is the biggest benefit you can develop from doing this exercise, because you have to focus on proper movement, breathing, and balance when you do this exercise. You need strong concentration to do this exercise properly.
As soon as you think about something else or you are not focused, you will break the balance.

How to do it

Start position is your feet apart about double the distance of your shoulder width and squat down with your knees bent at 90º. Then shift all your weight to one leg without changing your head height. After all your weight goes to one leg, then start squatting up with one leg. At the same time start lifting the other leg up, and straighten both legs. After lifting one leg as high as you can, pause a little bit, and go back the same way slowly. Don’t stomp when you land your foot on the ground. Then do the same thing for the other leg.

The important things are not to use momentum, focus on slow breathing, doing the whole movement with controlled and very slow movements.

When you are getting stronger and doing better technique, then you will find you are going into meditation stage, if you do this exercise for a long time, because the movement is very slow, concentrate a lot, and focus on your breathing. That’s why I call this exercise “moving meditation” and that’s the best part of the SUMO squats!!