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Either of long or short sword have both merits and faults

“長短一味” (Choutan Ichimi) “Merits and faults are two sides of the same coin”

This word came from Samurai Warriors teachings.

The Long sword is good for fighting outside with a long distance, but inside a house or in small rooms, or once your opponent comes in close distance, the merit of being long makes it demerit.

Even If your opponent has something better than you, he/she might have demerits from that.

For example, if your opponent has a lot more strength than you. He/she may attack you roughly and wild using his/her strength. There might be some opportunities if he/she is coming roughly and wild such as opening his/her guard, off balancing, or getting tunnel vision. You can take advantage of his/her carelessness. Also people who have a lot of strength sometimes move slower, and usually get tired quickly. So, being very strong becomes a demerit.

If your opponent has long reach such as tall, long arms and legs, they might not be good at close distance fighting, or easy for you to catch their arms or legs with submissions. So, being long reach becomes demerit.

If your opponent is very skilful and has got lot’s of good techniques, he/she might be conceited too much and careless, or might be mentally weak. So, you can take advantage of his/her carelessness, or try to mess him/her around mentally.

Also that could be the other way around too.

Even if you have some weakness, that might be your strength too.

For example, If you want to fight open weight but you think you are too small, or even want to be some sort of professional sports player such as rugby, but you think you are too small for that, but being small means you could be much faster and more agile than bigger people. Plus train harder than bigger people and get fitter and more skilful than them, then being small becomes your merit.

For fighting, even if you face much stronger and better opponent than you, they definitely have some weaknesses and demerits. So, you have more chance to win if you try to take advantage of their weaknesses and demerits, and don’t let them take advantage of their strengths.

Also, try to focus on your strengths, but same time, don’t be overconfident with your strength and don’t forget to strengthen your weaknesses.

If you keep running away from your weaknesses, they will get worse and worse. Try to make your weaknesses into your strengths.

This does not only apply simply for fighting or sports.

Everybody has his/her merits and faults, strength and weakness.

Even if you think you are not good at something such as school work or sports, or you want to do some sports or martial arts but you think it’s impossible to do because you don’t have any strength or fitness, everyone has a good part, and even if you have those weaknesses, try to strengthen them, and at the same time try to think how you can turn those demerits and weakness to your merits and strengths.
Don’t give up on yourself!!

I just want to tell you an example about this from my story.

When I first arrived to Australia all alone 25 years ago to introduce my martial arts style to this country, I couldn’t speak any English at all, and I didn’t know anyone, but about 1 month after I first arrived, I already started my own Martial Arts club in Brisbane city.

Everything was hard communicating without speaking English.

I sometimes had lot’s of frustrations from not being able to tell people what I exactly want to say, but I didn’t think I’m not capable to make that club successful because I was very confident about myself and my skills. So, I tried to focus on my merit and strength (my skills) ,and tried to think how this demerit of not being able to speak any English turn to my merit, then I realised it doesn’t matter, and maybe better if I couldn’t speak any English because that sounds more authentic and real came from the country of origin of a lot of Martial Arts, and that may attract more people who want to learn real martial arts. Also, I had a lot of passion and enthusiasm to teach, so people tried harder to understand me too.

I felt better then, because I realised this demerit/weakness could be merit/strength, but same time I tried to study English to strengthen this weakness (After 25 years, I still have trouble with English though).

Everything is the same. Don’t worry if you have some weaknesses and demerits. They could be your strengths and merits.

Just keep trying to strengthen them.

Focus on your strengths but don’t be overconfident with and keep strengthening them too.