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MMA ITO DOJO Striking Technique Part 4, “They might have weapons”

Combine this “Antenna Arms” and “Body Positioning Techniques” with “Proper Footwork” together.

What I’ve talked about In this series so far are, 

In street situations, 

1, You are not wearing gloves

2, No weight divisions 

3, Your opponent is not necessarily only one

And this is the final part of the MMA ITO DOJO Striking Technique series.

4, They might have weapons

We always see news about people are getting attacked with weapons and getting stabbed with knives.

The best thing we should aim for in any kind of self defence situation is to try to avoid any physical contact. 

We always have to have a good mindset and strategies to avoid physical contact and survive in street self defence situations.

There is an old Samurai warrior’s proverb.

“Win without fighting”

We can have minimum risk to survival in the street if we have a good mindset and strategies.

So, always try to think how you can avoid any physical contact. 

But if there is no chance to avoid, and get into a fight, you have to be able to protect yourself and protect your important people.

The first technique I usually teach against weapons is distance control and “Body Positioning Techniques” with proper footwork.

If you can control distance, and placement of your body at safe position, you can fight better against weapons.

This is all from using proper footwork.

Then the next important technique is your arm movements.

I call this “Antenna Arms”

You can’t block weapons like blocking punches. 

You have to use your arms like antennas of insects.

There are some special ways to develop this technique. 

Then, combine this “Antenna Arms” and “Body Positioning Techniques” with “Proper Footwork” together.