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MMA ITO DOJO Striking Technique Part 3, “Your opponent is not necessarily only one”

“If you get better with this technique, you can see and react when getting attacked with 180º of your sight.“

It often happens in street self defence situations which you have to go against multiple opponents.

There are a lot of different strategies for this situation too, but the first important thing you should remember is to have a good sight ability and to be able to grasp the situation quickly, instead of getting panicked and getting tunnel vision.

When we fight against even one opponent, we shouldn’t keep looking and focused on one certain spot.

For example, if you keep looking at your opponent’s right hand, you can’t react quick enough to their left hand punch or kicks.

You have to look and focused on their whole body, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep changing around your eye on different spot.  

Your eyes stay on around their face or shoulder area but not really focus on one spot. 

Look at your opponent’s whole body like looking at a big mountain far away.

This looking technique is called “ENZAN NO METSUKE 遠山の目付け(Far Mountain Eye Stabilisation) from old Samurai warriors teaching.

It’s exactly the same concept against multiple opponents.

If you get better with this technique, you can see and react when getting attacked with 180º of your sight. 

You can see the situation better such as how many opponents you have, where you are fighting, like getting close to a wall, a dead end, or uneven ground. 

This looking technique enables you to see all those things around you. 

To be continued to Part 4, “They might have weapons”.