The journey of Martial Arts should not be just about learning how to fight. Through training, we learn respect, discipline, manners, mind skills like controlling our emotions, how we should think about things, how to deal with issues that confront you, or even learning healthy diet, and good life style and so on, so really, we learn all about life, and life skills which unfortunately we don’t learn at schools but everyone should know.
Also, this is probably the most unique part of Martial Arts, I mean only a few Martial Arts styles have this, but we should keep improving ourselves with a good balance of “SPIRIT” “SKILL, and “BODY” all through our lives. That means, we should be getting better and stronger constantly for life time.
Now, how to keep improving constantly with all those 3 qualities in “SPIRIT” “SKILL, and “BODY” all through our lives?
I will explain each topic
How to improve our “SPIRIT” “SKILL” and “BODY” for all through our lives in Martial Arts, part 2