“Making a Martial Arts body means making a healthy body for our life time.”
The final topic of “How to improve our “SPIRIT” “SKILL” and “BODY” for all through our lives in Martial Arts” is “BODY”
It includes everything about our body such as strength, power, speed, stamina, and even health, and the most important one in Martial Arts is health.
If you are always tired, and getting sick all the time, you can’t come to training much, and can’t keep improving.
To keep improving our body for all through our lives, we need to train regularly and persistently. That’s why “Health” is the most important priorities.
Also, keep your ideal weight.
For Martial Arts body, you should be able to control your own body with swiftness, agility, and flexible movements. If you are over weight, you can’t move quick, and put more pressure on every joint, so there is more risk of injury.
Being over weight is not good for your health too.
So, making a Martial Arts body means making a healthy body for our life time.
It’s hard to be healthy if you are smoking, having excess alcohol intake, and using drugs. They make your body unhealthy and weak later in your life. It also kills your brain cells, so you lose your fast reflex and quick proper judgement.
Martial Artists and fighters who are using drugs or steroids is completely out of the question.
If you want to be a good Martial Artist, look after your body and keep it healthy and strong or even make it healthier and stronger as you get older.
Then next important thing comes to achieve physical strength for Martial Arts.
Physical strength for Martial Arts doesn’t mean just getting big muscles. It should help to maximise the effect of your moves and techniques.
For example, Most people think about only arm strength when you punch, but really, when you punch, power and momentum are created by foot work and body movement going through the leg, hip, core, shoulder, arm, then focused onto your knuckle. When this happens, all of those muscles should cooperate together and maximise power, but if some muscles don’t cooperate or are stiff and tense, the power and momentum get stuck, so you can’t throw effortless power punches.
Now, how do we train for that kind of strength?
It is not that hard. Just doing a few simple exercises will develop the strength which I can introduce later.
If we keep doing these exercises properly and regularly, we can keep improving our health, and will develop the physical strength for Martial Arts even as we get older.
How to improve our “SPIRIT” “SKILL” and “BODY” all through our lives in Martial Arts.
No 1, “SPIRIT”
1, Try to have a growth mindset ( believe in yourself, you can always improve, so keep learning )
2, Keep challenging yourself ( achieve the never give up, and challenging spirit )
3, Learn Martial Arts mindset and philosophies
4, Try to have a lot of experiences, and learn something good from every experience.
No 2, “SKILL”
1, Learn proper technique.
2, Understand how the real Martial Arts techniques works.
3, Always focus to apply those techniques properly.
4, Keep practicing proper techniques over and over.
No 3, “BODY”
1, Stay healthy, and keep your ideal weight.
2, Stay away from smoking, excess alcohol intake, and drugs.
3, Achieve the physical strength for Martial Arts.
4, To achieve all those above, you need to learn about health and the special exercises, then do those exercises properly, regularly and persistently, and always have a good diet.