Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

Easy, Simple, and Quick Ways to Energise and Reduce Stress

“When you feel like you have not much energy, or are stressed from something, you should try these three things, instead of relying on having coffee or energy drinks.
These are very easy and don’t cost anything.”

“Deep Breathing”

Take ten deep breaths whenever you need to energise quickly or you feel stressed.

Using the “TANDEN Breathing” technique is the best one, but that has more details involved.

So right now, just simple deep breathing is good enough to get these benefits.

Breathe in and out very slowly and deeply ten times.

Try to make your breathing out a little bit longer than breathing in.

If you do this first thing in the morning outside in the backyard, you will be charged with energy for the day!!

“Move Your Body”

Everyone knows physical exercise energises us and reduces stress.

Lot’s of happy hormones are produced in our brain and body when we exercise, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be proper exercise. 

If you can do proper more formal exercise, that would be the best, but when you need quick energy, or some negative emotions come up, just move your body.

Do some dynamic movements.

I usually swing my arms and do some shadow boxing when I need some quick energy.

I think if we don’t move our body much, we are just making ourselves mentally weak.

So, get up and keep moving your body!!

“Feeling Nature”

We are still part of nature. 

So, we will feel power and energy when we look at the nice big ocean with the sound of waves and smell of the ocean at the beach. 

Listen to the birds and the wind, look at the green grass and trees, and breathe in the fresh air in the mountains or in the bush.

Even if you don’t have a chance to go to the beach or bush, just look at nice big trees in your backyard or nice inside plants or even look at a picture of a nature setting this will give you energy and reduce stress. 

A combination of these three elements“Deep Breathing”, “Move Your Body”, and this “Feeling Nature” together will be the best way to energise and reduce stress!!

So, move your body and deep breathe in nature!!