Evolve your spirit and body for a life time

Tanden Breathing for Martial Arts “武道のための丹田呼吸法” Part 2

“Generate power and speed towards different directions and different movements”

My teacher, SAW founder Shihan Hidetaka Aso used to always tell us this.

“Practical power and strength for fighting is not just strong towards only one unchanged direction like doing weights.  

You must be able to generate strong power in different directions and with complex body movements. And you should be able to change and follow that power wherever your opponent moves.”

The human body is a remarkable machine, and our bodies have about 260 joints, that’s why we can make all different sorts of sophisticated movements.

So, we need to be able to generate power and speed for all those different movements.

Tanden Breathing Exercise trains and enables our bodies to synergies all those joints and muscles to generate lot’s of power and speed in different directions and with all those different movements without relying too much on muscular strength.

Please watch the video for more detail.