“In our busy lives, our mind often wanders off everywhere, and we forget what we are aiming for, what we are actually trying to achieve, and what is the most important for us.“ I often see in fights or sparring, people lose their balance after their punch and kick, or […]
Inspirational blog
People have all different body sizes and shapes, different strengths, flexibilities, speed, and different personalities. Some people might have limited physical abilities from injuries or medical problems or other problems. Each of us have a different strengths and weaknesses. So, we might have to learn different things in different ways. […]
“There are so many different stages of training in martial arts, and we improve different aspects in each stage.“
You will understand more about Submission Arts Wrestling, and what SAW students should aim for If you watch the video!!
Martial Arts techniques and moves should be all natural to our body. Minimise impact to our body, but maximise power and speed by following the laws of nature. Please watch the video to understand this concept!!
The world is full of negative emotions at the moment. We are all fighting against anger, fear, and deep anxiety. I think those stresses are affecting more people than the actual virus. I’m going to show you a very important concept to keep a good mental state, and make your […]
“Different nutrients in different food are helping each other in our body to give us more power and energy too. They Synergise for us. Synergy is one of the laws of the nature.“ To get “A good Balance of Nutrient Food”, first we have to know what nutrients we need to […]
“I think a good diet means having a very good balance of nutrient food in the right amount and having it at a good time.” I want to talk about a diet a little bit today. Diet is very important for fighters and martial artists. As everyone knows, if you […]
“The most important thing in competitions is not winning or losing fights. It’s if you had victory over yourself or not.“ Martial arts training is always fighting against ourselves, not against our opponent. One of the biggest priorities for doing martial arts is to be able to have victory over ourselves. […]
“We should choose our own thoughts, behaviours, and actions from our own vision and the strong values with integrity, not from condition and circumstance.“ In fighting, you might get controlled by your opponent If you wait too long for the opportunity to counter and to be reactive. You should be […]